Clubs and Initiatives

NSS-Programmes And Activities
The National Service Scheme was started to establish a meaningful linkage between the campus and the community. Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, had recognized that the country could not progress in a desired direction until the student youth were motivated to work for the upliftment of the villages/community. For Gandhiji the villages, where majority of the population lived, represent the country i.e. India. Therefore, for the national reconstruction and national resurgence it was deemed fit that the students and teachers should be properly sensitized and utilized for strengthening the Indian society as a whole with particular emphasis on rural community. Therefore, student youth, teachers and the community are considered the three basic components of the National Service Scheme.

MIT FGC Red Cross Club
MIT FGC Red Cross Club is represented by our students for its humanitarian commitment. Student volunteers can make a significant contribution to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people within their local communities through Red Cross youth program. This has been designed to involve young people as much as possible in the movement and its activities not only as workers and also as beneficiaries, but as partners in management.

MIT FGC Rotaract Club
MIT FGC Rotaract Club was established in 2018. The club brings together students to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service. Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service. Rotaract members decide how to organize and run their clubs, manage their own funds, and plan and carry out activities and service projects. Rotary club sponsors offer guidance and support and work with Rotract club as partners in service.

MIT FGC Nature Club
MIT FGC Nature Club was established in 2019 with a noble cause to create awareness of nature conservation. Nature Club is indeed a dedicated club to create awareness among the students, faculty and staff about nature and related issues. Various activities are held throughout the year which in mainly focused on spreading the green belt.