Best Practice I
Title: “Arivu-Neravu” : Stimuli For Students Overall Growth
- To harness the meritocracy of students and provide platform to honour merit students.
- To extend helping hand for need and deserving students.
- To ensure higher education to all.
- To provide quality education for rural students.
- To enhance thrust area of students and provide necessary support to reach out their goals.
The Context:
In the fast-changing scenario majority of challenged section of the society is unable to afford education due to its expenses. Institution provides financial assistance to the needy and deserving students.
The Practice:
The institution provides financial support for deserving and meritocracy students at the time of admission. At the same time good number of initiatives of the institution like, free transportation, fee concession has truly encouraged and helped the poor and aspirant to get quality education. The result has reflected in the increase of students’ strength of the institution. This is the testimony of growth and the yield that institution is getting through its best practice.
Following are the various financial support offered by the institution:
- Fee Concession for meritorious students
- Reward for meritorious students
- Fee concession for higher education in same campus
- Free bus facility
- Payment of fees in instalment
- Additional fee waiver by the management for the financially deprived.
Evidence of Success:
- Increased admission
- Positve feedback from all stakeholders
- Enhanced public image
The various measures taken by the institution for the support of students are bearing fruitful results. Students are motivated and their progress is noteworthy. The economically weaker section is benefitted by the payment of fees in instalment.
Nearly 60 students commute to the college by the availing the free transportation facility. A good number of students from our sister concern join the institution by availing the additional fee concession scheme. Also, some of the graduated students join the post-graduation program in the same institution by availing additional fee concession. The management is concerned for the financially deprived and help them with additional fee concession.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
Since the scheme is financially helping the students, there is no such problems encountered in this best practice.
Best Practice II
Title: Swawalamban – Swadeshi Vidyarthi Brigade: A Nationalistic Movement
- To bring awareness about self-reliance.
- To promote local businesses and spread awareness among people to buy local products.
- To promote entrepreneurial initiatives.
The Context:
During the COVID-19 pandemic the people in the country felt the importance of being self- reliant and necessity for local products. With countries closing down their borders and consolidating inventories, the movement of goods and services across the world came to a virtual standstill. Nations were struggling to meet their basic requirements and to substitute for products which are generally imported from other countries. Furthermore, the spirit of nationalism and our own products will be imbibed only when the students of this generation are made aware of the local products and self-reliance. In this direction, students of this institution are encouraged to voice for local and awareness in created to use local products and also to support the PM’s Atmanirbhar Bharat dream.
The Practice:
Vocal for Local has become the latest trending slogan which has emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the idea behind this movement is not new. It finds its roots in the Swadeshi movement which was popularised in 1905 during the Indian independence struggle. Developed and promoted by Mahatma Gandhi and the other great freedom fighters, Swadeshi was conceived as a way to imbibe nationalism and nationalistic pride among Indians.
A club titled “Swadeshi Vidyarthi Brigade” is used as a platform for various activities voicing the spirit of nationalism, local products and entrepreneurship. The club organizes special entrepreneurial talks by personalities who have achieved in their field of interest, special projects are given to the students to make them aware of local products, etc. The main objective is to cultivate entrepreneurial abilities in the young minds and foster them lead to entrepreneurial initiatives in the future and also encourage the Indian products.
Evidence of Success:
Although the club was formed in the AY 2021-22, it has gained momentum and lots of events are organized under this club. Also, majority of students are interested in this club and actively participate in the events. Sub groups are formed and each of the sub group is given specific tasks and or projects.